Whether you’ve been overly stressed for the past few months and realised that your period isn’t coming on time, you’ve been taking medication and that’s messed up your regularity, or you have an illness or condition that affects the consistency of your period, this article has got your back!
Missing your period, having it delayed, or having it show up unexpectedly (why does this always happen when you have your cutest pair of underwear on!), is stressful, confusing, and downright irritating.
However, there is some good news: you can actually do a few things to support the regularity of your menstrual cycle and promote your period to show up on time (or more on time) every month.
In this guide, we’re going to be sharing these tips with you whilst also helping you understand why your period may be light and letting you know when you should decide to see a medical professional if things aren’t seeming to improve.
So, buckle up and let’s get your period back on track!