The concept of inner child healing does not refer to a single treatment or method, but more often a variety of different practices that can help people come into contact with the emotional pain they’ve been carrying and release it. These approaches typically vary, and the type of inner child therapy that will be right for you might not be the one that someone else gravitates towards.
Tallia offers two simple practices to start with, both perfect for beginners and also incredibly beneficial to anyone approaching inner child healing for the first or hundredth time.
Practise inner child healing journaling
Journaling is the simplest way to begin connecting to our inner child, and building a trusting, safe relationship with them through compassionate dialogue. Imagine sitting down with your younger self, visualise them in your mind. What do you notice about them? What are they thinking, feeling, or preoccupied with? Writing down your reflections can help clear cognitive delusion by helping you separate yourself from your thoughts and see things with a new perspective.
One way I personally do this is by talking to my inner child every day and asking her how she's feeling without judgement or the need to fix her. In doing so, I'm giving her time, space, and permission to experience and express the full range of her emotions which is often something that is shut down in childhood.
Practise paying attention when your inner child gets triggered
Start noticing moments that take you out of the present moment. Pay attention to any sensations, thoughts, and feelings that arise in your body when you get triggered and stay curious about patterns you notice. Ask yourself, "What is this here to tell me? What does this part of me need me to know? What about this situation feels familiar to me?"
The more you’ll start listening to what your inner child is trying to tell you, and the more you’ll be able to trace negative and unwanted feelings back to specific events in your childhood. The more you’re able to validate your own experiences, the easier it’ll be to release them and find healing.