There are seven primary energy centres throughout the human body, running from the top of the head to the tailbone and making up a complex energetic system with unique ramifications. Originating from traditional Tantric texts, they are known as chakras and each one is associated with different colours, organs, goals and feelings.
As a whole, chakra symbols are believed to represent the beauty and geometry present in the Universe, which is why a steady yoga practice is said to align us with this cosmic energy and bring us closer to a state of kundalini (energy force, or life force.) The chakras and their placements allow this very life force to move through different energy points throughout our body, allowing us to move closer and closer to an ideal of pure light and total consciousness.
For example, they can come in handy during moon rituals or meditations, as they are a helpful image to focus our awareness on and help us transcend our mind. Each symbol is believed to help free us from negativity and mundanity, so we can truly reach our full potential. Here’s a full list of the seven primary chakras, their symbols and hidden meanings.