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    Balancing Your Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies: How To Find Energetic Harmony

    Think of this article are your masculine and feminine energy 101 - we’re going to be discussing what these energies are, the traits they’re associated with, and let you know exactly how you can balance them to create a feeling of harmony within both the body, mind, and overall life.

    By Liv Surtees / Oct 01, 2024

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    Do you find yourself being too headstrong to the point where you’re not taking time to listen to your emotional needs? Have you missed out on intimate moments of life because you’re too focused on being assertive?

    Do you notice that you give too much attention to getting lost in your feelings and not enough to logical thinking? Perhaps you’ve realised that you’re bursting with creative flow but you struggle with conquering important tasks? 

    Whilst you might think that you’re simply going through a phase of more logical thinking, or on the other hand, you’re just feeling overly emotional, the truth is, all of these situations can be linked with an imbalance of energies within your body. 

    In order to live a life where both your logical brain and emotional heart can be fulfilled, you have to work on not only understanding masculine and feminine energy, but how you can balance it too.

    what is divine feminine & masculine energy? 

    Although it certainly sounds like they are, masculine and feminine energy are not gendered. Everyone has masculine and feminine energy - they’re universal energies that exist within us, regardless of our gender.

    Feminine energy is widely known as Yin and masculine energy is Yang. Although we may typically visualise the traditional Yin and Yang image that’s balanced when we think about this concept, generally, people actually don’t have balanced energies and will have either naturally dominant masculine or feminine energy.


    Although these energies operate across the entire body, the brain is also associated very clearly with these opposing energies. The left side of the brain is known as masculine - this part of the brain is associated with logical and analytical thinking, control, confidence, assertion, and strength. The right side of the brain is known as the feminine - this part is associated with creativity, nurturing, intuition, empathy, and emotion.

    which energy is dominant for you? 

    Before we dive in and take a look at how you can balance your masculine and feminine energy, it’s important to work out whether or not you have dominating masculine or feminine energy. 

    Although we have taken a look at the general traits of masculine and feminine energy in relation to the brain, let’s take a deeper look at these traits and how you may be able to recognise them showing up in your day to day life.

    It’s essential to say that before we move forward, neither masculine or feminine 

    energy are bad and your dominant energy does not define you - they are both incredibly useful and essential in their own ways, hence we’re looking to balance both of these energies and keep them present.


    mind + spirit