Have you ever found yourself having a great day until you meet up with a certain friend? Do you feel like specific situations leave you feeling drained? Is there a work project that you simply can’t manage to feel motivated by? Well, if you experience any of these situations or you feel like your mood gets affected by external factors in a significant way, you might not be protecting your energy effectively.
Each day we give ourselves and our energy to things: our partners, our friends, our colleagues, our work, our homes, and even our phones and social media platforms.
Whilst giving our energy to various aspects of our life isn’t a bad thing - in fact, we need to give our energy to things in order to channel our joy, create a fulfilling life, and receive more energy - there are certain things that can drain our energy, promote negativity, and leave us feeling less than energised!
So, it’s incredibly important that we protect ourselves in order to live a life that truly aligns with what we want and our values. So, in this article, we’re going to tell you exactly how you can protect your energy to bring you to a better state of wellbeing!