The Human Design System was founded by Alan Robert Krakower, known by his pseudonym Ra Uru Hu, who developed the fundamentals of this practice after having a mystical experience. According to the Jovian Archive, Ra Uru Hu’s website, Human Design is “a map to understand your genetic nature better.”
What does that mean, in practice?
Well, much like astrology, it all starts from a chart based on your time, date, and location of birth. However, while the first looks at where the planets were in the sky at the moment of your birth, the latter incorporates elements from ancient teachings such as the Hindu chakras, Chinese iChing, Kabbalah and the Tree of Life with elements of quantum physics and modern personality science and understanding.
The result is a “body graph” that is entirely unique to each individual, and learning more about each of its elements can help people live with more freedom, ease and purpose.
Human Design is really a way to dive into your subconscious and look straight into your soul, so you can gain a new perspective on who you are and how you can best move through the world. By understanding who you are and how you can best harness your energy and gifts, you can shed society’s conditioning and truly step into who you were always meant to be.